Cashew Jalebi to feed guests instead of fruit
During the festival, dry fruit is placed in front of guests coming home. Cashew nuts are often prone to dry fruit. So this time, make a cashew nut for your…
During the festival, dry fruit is placed in front of guests coming home. Cashew nuts are often prone to dry fruit. So this time, make a cashew nut for your…
Different types of laddos may be made in your house but today if you have a guest making a pan of ladoo, they will have fun eating them. After the…
Eating green turmeric in the cold in winter has great benefits. Make turmeric pudding to prevent colds and coughs in winter. Which is also beneficial to health. Winter is not…
Handwash is a traditional Gujarati dish. Mixing different pulses in this body will also get all the nutrients. Make winter tasty and healthy. ingreadiateTwo cups of rice One cup of…
इंस्टाग्राम-योग्य एवोकैडो टोस्ट से लेकर DIY बाल और फेस मास्क तक, एवोकाडो यकीनन पौधे पर सबसे लोकप्रिय सुपरफूड्स में से एक है – और अच्छे कारण के लिए। एक-बीज वाला…
कई तरह के खाद्य पदार्थ खाएं , कार्बोहाइड्रेट से भरपूर खाद्य पदार्थों पर अपने आहार को आधार बनाएं , असंतृप्त वसा से संतृप्त बदलें , फलों और सब्जियों का भरपूर…